Joxal Publishing
Simon Shuker's Code-Cracker. After many years of requests from American fans, a global edition of the Code-Cracker book series has been launched which avoids the UK-specific spellings of traditional Code-Cracker volumes. It can be ordered by US book stores or easily purchased with local shipping from Amazon.
Take5 is the smaller but often trickier sibling of Simon Shuker's Code-Cracker puzzles: effectively a Code-Cracker puzzle in a 7x7 rather than 13x13 grid, these neat mental teasers have been running in the New Zealand Listener magazine for over 20 years.
A favourite in the New Zealand Listener for over three decades, you will find that Alan Shuker's QuizWord puzzles meld the timeless fun of a quiz with the challenge of a crossword.
A fan favourite for over two decades, Simon Shuker's Code-Cracker puzzles can be found in all of the daily papers in New Zealand, and our associated book collection is now up to Volume Eighteen.